Topics covered:
SB 6.7: Indra Offends His Spiritual Master, Bṛhaspati.
- Brihaspati rejects the demigods
- Indra condemns his own opulence
- Those who mislead people go to hell
- The demons declare war against the demigods
- The demigods approach Vishvarupa
- Vishvarupa become priest of the demigods
- Vishvarupa compose a protective prayer
SB 6.8: The Nārāyaṇa-kavaca Shield
- Explanation of the Vishnu mantra armor
- Prayer to Vamana and Nrisimhadev
- Prayers to Hayagriva , Narada and Kurma
- Prayers to Vyasa, Buddha and Kalki
- Prayer to Sudarshan chakra
- Advanced souls see unity in diversity
- Nārāyaṇa-kavacaprotects one from danger
SB 6.9: Appearance of the Demon Vṛtrāsura
- Vishvarupa offers obligations to the demons
- Indra accepts sinful reactions
- Description ofVṛtrāsura
- Prayers of the demigods to Narayana
- The Lord accepts various transcendental bodies
- Lord hari appears before the demigods
- All contradictions are reconciled in the Lord
- Devotees are the real friends of everyone
- The demigods take shelter at the Lords lotus feet
- The Lord replies to the demigods
- A pure devotee is like an expert physician

SB 6.10: The Battle Between the Demigods and Vṛtrāsura
- The demigods ask Dadhichi for his body
- The body must be engaged for benefit of others
- Indra rides off to killVṛtrāsura
- The demons resist to the armies of Indra
- Vṛtrāsura addresses the heroes of the demons

SB 6.11: The Transcendental Qualities of Vṛtrāsura
- Vṛtrāsura condemns Indra
- Vṛtrāsura desires the mercy of great devotees
- Material opulences causes anxiety and pride
- Vṛtrāsura yearns to serve the Lord
SB 6.12: Vṛtrāsura’s Glorious Death
- Vṛtrāsura attacks Lord Indra
- Lord Indra is encouraged byVṛtrāsura
- Everyone dances to the desire of the Lord
- Indra replies toVṛtrāsura
- Vṛtrāsura swallows Indra
- The demigods praise the victory of Indra
SB 6.13: King Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction
- The unhappiness of Indra
- The demigods reassure Lord Indra
- Personifies sin chases Indra
- Indra returns to the heavenly planets
- The values of hearing this narration