Topics covered:
SB 4.25: The Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Purañjana
- Narada has compassion for King Prācīnabarhi
- Those interested in a so - called beautiful life
- Narada narrates the history of kingPurañjana
- KingPurañjana has unlimited material desires
- Description of the city of nine gates
- KingPurañjana meets a beautiful women
- KingPurañjana addresses the women
- Purañjana introduces himself as a great hero
- The girl speaks to the king
- Description of the nine gates
- The king fulfills all the desires of his queen
- The king becomes cheated in his whole existence
SB 4.26: King Purañjana Goes to the Forest to Hunt, and His Queen Becomes Angry
- Departure of the king for the forest
- The king kills many innocent animals
- A person who act whimsically falls down
- After killing, the king becomes tired
- The king become captivated by Cupid
- A good wife gives good intelligence
- The king praises the beauty of his wife

SB 4.27: Attack by Caṇḍavega on the City of King
Purañjana the Character of Kālakanyā
- King Purañjana enjoys with his wife
- The king becomes deviated from his good sense
- The king begets 1.100 sons in the womb oh his wife
- The king gets his sons and daughters married
- KingPurañjana worship the demigods
- There is a king namedCaṇḍavega
- The king and his friends become anxious
- Narada cursed by the daughter of time
- The king of the Yavanas addressesKālakanyā
SB 4.28: Purañjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life
- Dangerous soldiers attack the city ofPurañjana
- The king loses all his beauty and opulence
- The kings city smashed by Kalakanya
- The serpent wishes to leave the city
- The king worries about his family members
- Yavana - raja comes to arrest the king
- The king is unable to remember super soul
SB 4.28: Purañjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life
- The children of kingMalayadhvaja
- King Malayadhvaja retires to a solitary place
- King Malayadhvaja conquers all relativities
- King Malayadhvaja attains perfect knowledge
- Queen Vidarbhi remains engaged in her husbands service
- The queen laments the death of her husband
- A brahmana pacifies the queen
- Soupersoul is the most intimate friend
- The soul is hidden in the city of the body
- The factual position of the soul and the supersoul
SB 4.29: Talks Between Nārada and King Prācīnabarhi
- Transmigration of the living entity
- Description of the senses
- The eyes engage in seeing forms
- The mind is affected by the modes of nature
- The bodies life - span is gradually reduced
- The living entity gets different bodies
- The living entity is exactly like a Dog
- The ultimate solution to all problems
- The culture of Krishna consciouses
- Demigod worship does not helps one understand the Lord
- Vedic rituals are not the goal of life
- Devotional service is the only way to please the Lord
- The spiritual master is not different from Krishna
- The precarious position of family life
- Even great sages are bewildered about the goal of life
- The subtle body always remains
- The living being executes his mental concoctions
- The mind indicates past and future bodies
- The devotees observes teh cosmos just as the Lord does
- Transmigration of the soul
- The living beings entrapped as conditioned soul
- KingPrācīnabarhi leaves home
- This narration sanctifies the material world
Sruti phala - Fruit of hearing:
SB 4.29.83 — My dear Vidura, one who hears this narration concerning the understanding of the living entity’s spiritual existence, as described by the great sage Nārada, or who relates it to others, will be liberated from the bodily conception of life.
SB 4.29.84 — This narration spoken by the great sage Nārada is full of the transcendental fame of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Consequently this narration, when described, certainly sanctifies this material world. It purifies the heart of the living entity and helps him attain his spiritual identity. One who relates this transcendental narration will be liberated from all material bondage and will no longer have to wander within this material world.
SB 4.29.85 — The allegory of King Purañjana, described herein according to authority, was heard by me from my spiritual master, and it is full of spiritual knowledge. If one can understand the purpose of this allegory, he will certainly be relieved from the bodily conception and will clearly understand life after death. Although one may not understand what transmigration of the soul actually is, one can fully understand it by studying this narration.