Topics covered:
SB 3.13: The Appearance of Lord Varāha
- Hearing from the mouths of pure devotees
- Brahma pleased with Manu
- Devotional service as ones own self - interest
- Small boar comes out of Brahmas nostril
- The tumultuous voice of the Lord boar
- Lord boar lifts the earth
- Prayers of the sages to Lord Boar
- The Lord is bound by sacrifice only
- The earth as the wife of the Lord
- Hearing the auspicious narration of Lord Boar
SB 3.14: Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
- Two different boar incarnations
- Diti afflicted with sex desire
- Kashyapa marries thirteen daughters of Daksha
- Taking shelter of a wife
- Lord Siva, the king of the ghosts
- Kashyapa obliged to perform a forbidden act
- Siva as the worship-able Lord of all women
- Sons born of Ditis condemned womb
- Prahlada as the would - be grandson of Diti
- Satisfaction of Diti
SB 3.15: Description of the Kingdom of God
- The force if the pregnancy of Diti
- Living entities conducted by Vedic directions
- The Lord and his devotees reside in Vaikuntha
- The inhabitants of Vaikuṇṭha
- Importance of human form of life
- The four kumaras reachVaikuṇṭha
- The doormen block the Kumaras way
- There is complete harmony in Vaikuntha
- A brahmanas curse cannot be counteracted
- The Lord is the reservoir of all pleasure
- The Kumaras smell the aroma of Tulasi leaves
- Prayers of the Kumaras
SB 3.16: The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuṇṭha,
Jaya and Vijaya, Cursed by the Sages
- The Lord always favors the brahmanas
- The brahmanas are ever satisfied with the Lords prasadam
- The Lords lovely and illuminating speech
- Prayers of the sages
- Lakshmi waits upon the Lord
- Krishnas pastimes exhibited by submission
- The sages leave the transcendental abode
- The gatekeepers fall from Vaikuṇṭha

SB 3.17: Victory of Hiraṇyākṣa Over All the Directions of the Universe
- Birth of two demons
- Omens of evil times
- The benediction of Hiraṇyakaśipu
- Hiraṇyākṣa shows his splendor
- Varuna waxes angry
SB 3.18: The Battle Between Lord Boar and
the Demon Hiraṇyākṣa
- The Lord in his boar incarnation
- The abusive words of the demon
- The Lord expresses his terrible anger
- Hiraṇyākṣa and the Lord strike each other
- Brahma addresses Narayana
SB 3.19: The Killing of the Demon Hiraṇyākṣa
- The Lord accepts Brahmas prayer
- The Lord invokes his Sudarshana discus
- The great demons valor frustrated
- The demon employs many conjuring tricks
- Diti recalls the words of her husband
- Brahma arrives on the spot
- Lord Hari returns to his own abode
- hearing the works and deeds of devotees