Topics covered:

SB 4.2: Dakṣa Curses Lord Śiva
- LordŚiva,spiritual master of the world
- Dakṣa offended by LordŚiva
- Dakṣa speaks against LordŚiva
- LordŚiva cursed byDakṣa
- Dakṣa cursed by Nandishvara
- The followers of LordŚiva cursed Bhrigu
- LordŚiva leaves the arena of sacrifice
- The demigods depart for their abodes

SB 4.3: Talks Between Lord Śiva andSatī
- Tension betweenDakṣa andŚiva
- The great sacrifice planned byDakṣa
- Satīs desire to attend the sacrifice
- women hanker for material affection
- Śiva rimembers the malicious speeches of Dakṣa
- Dakṣa proud of material assets
- Dakṣa intolerant ofŚivas high position
- Śiva worships Vasudeva in pure consciousnes
- Śivasadvice toSatī

SB 4.4: Satī Quits Her Body
- Satīs mind unsettled
- Satī leaves her husband
- Satī dissatisfied byDakṣa silence
- Satī condemns her father
- Śivashonor never neglected
- Inauspisious qualities of LordŚiva
- Satī condemns her body
- opulences of self - realized souls
- Satī absorbs herself in mystic yoga
- Satīquits her body in blazing fire
- Dakṣa unworthy to be a brahmana
- Bhrigu Muni creates the Ribhu demigods

SB 4.5: Frustration of the Sacrifice of Dakṣa
- Śiva becomes angry
- The fearful black demon created
- Śivas soldiers follow the fierce personality
- LordŚiva dance of dissolution
- The destruction of sacrificial arena
- Dakṣa beheaded by Virabhadra
SB 4.6: Brahmā Satisfies Lord Śiva
- Priests and demigods approach Lord Brahma
- Lord Śiva easily pleased
- The abode of Kaliash
- The lake in whichSatī bathed
- celestial damsels enjoy in sanctified rivers
- The airplanes of the heavenly planets
- Śiva surrounded by saintly persons
- LordŚiva, chief of all thinkers
- Lord Brahma speaks toŚiva
- Miscreants destined to ghastly hells
- Envious persons already killed by providence
- Vaishnavas never bewildered by maya
- The recommended sacrifice for this age

SB 4.7: The Sacrifice Performed byDakṣa
- Śiva pacified by the words of Lord Brahma
- Dakṣa given a goaths head
- Dakṣa hearth cleansed
- Daksas prayers to LordŚiva
- The brahmanas arrange to offer oblations
- The appearance of Lord Narayana
- Lord Vishnu worshipable by everyone
- Dakṣaoffers respectful prayers to the Lord
- The formidable fort of conditional existence
- The insurmountable spell of illusory energy
- Vishnus form pleasing to the ming and eyes
- The mind compared to an elphant
- Vishnum the shelter of quality of goodness
- Demigods depend on Visnu for protection
- The value of the human form of life
- Lord Vishnu is everything
- Chanting of the holy names
- Supersoul, the self - sufficient witness
- One who knows brahman
- Dakṣa situated on the religious path