SB 6.1: The History of the Life ofAjāmila
- The path beyond the highest planet
- Devotees want to save their fellow men
- Proper atonement counteracts impious deeds
- Atonement is compared to the bathing of an elephant
- A cure for the material desires
- How one canuproot sinful desires
- Bhakti: the best thing in this world
- devotees never even dream of death
- The story of the fallenAjāmila
- Ajāmilas tenth and special son
- Ajāmila chants at the time of death
- The servants of death surprised
- Gods messengers intervene
- Real religion exist eternally
- How the Supreme Lord controls the universe
- Nature and God witness our activites
- karma in past and future lives
- Yamarāja, the Lord of death
- The lonely struggle for existence
- The living entity traps himself
- The roots of reincarnation
- A prostitute corruptsAjāmila
- Servants of death give their verdict

SB 6.2: Ajāmila Delivered by the Viṣṇudūtas
- Needless punishment of sinless persons
- The duty ofgovernment
- Millions of lifetimes can be purified by chanting
- Chanting delivers even thieves, murderers and fornicators
- Chanting absolves one from hell
- Lords name burns to ashes all sinful reactions
- Deaths ropes are cut
- Ajāmila regrets his past sinful life
- Why he was saved from hellish worlds
- We must all have His determination
- Ajāmila goes to Haridvar
- Ajāmila regains his spiritual body
- How to get free from material bondage

SB 6.3: Yamarāja Instructs His Messengers
- The messengers of death had never been defeated
- Justice in the universe
- Vishnus Mysterious messengers
- Creation has only one master
- How Gos controls men
- Only the devotees know the Lord
- The Lords servants are almost as qualified as he is
- Surrender toKrishna is the real religion
- Chanting isalways beneficial
- The secret religion of the twelve Mahajanas
- Yamarāja punishes materialists
- The Lord of death begs pardon
- Chanting completes all purification
- The servants of death fear devotees