Topics covered:
SB 4.30: The Activities of the Pracetās
- The Pracetās satisfy Lord Vishnu
- Description of the body and the Lord
- The Lord addresses the Pracetās
- The daughter born of Pramloca and Kandu
- Special facilities given toPracetās
- Devotees feel fresh and new in their activities
- Prayers of the Pracetās
- The Lords existence is completly independent
- The Lord is witness of all activites
- The deity expansion of the Lord
- The lord is celebrated by the name Ananta
- Association with pure devotees
- Devotees purify places of pilgrimage
- The Lord is known as Vasudeva
- The Pracetas wish to make the earth treeless
- The birth of Daksha

SB 4.31: Nārada Instructs the Pracetās
- The Pracetas leave home
- Narada comes to see the Pracetas
- Naradas instruction to the Pracetas
- Three kinds of human births
- The goal of all auspicious activities
- Everything emanates from the Supreme Lord
- The Lord is the supersoul of all beings
- The Lord relishes the activities of the devotees
- The Pracetas go back to Godhead
Sruti phala - Fruit of hearing:
SB 4.31.31 — O King, those who hear these topics about kings who are completely surrendered to the Supreme Personality of Godhead obtain without difficulty a long life, wealth, good reputation, good fortune and, ultimately, the opportunity to return home, back to Godhead.